Atlanta Squirrel Control

    While many homes seem to make mysterious noises in the middle of the night, it may actually be easier than you think to locate the source of these sounds. Little pests, such as squirrels, are often found making themselves at home in places like the attic. Between making nests in your insulation and chewing on important parts of your structure, these animals may be the cause of those noises you’re hearing. By adopting a strict approach to squirrel control, you can prevent damage to your house and keep these nuisance animals at bay.

    When you need squirrel removal in Atlanta, you can count on the unparalleled experience of Atlanta Wildlife Control. For 25 years, we have been providing homeowners and business owners alike with fast and humane wildlife removal and control.

    Atlanta: Safe Squirrel Trapping

    Atlanta Wildlife Control has years of experience in squirrel trapping and squirrel control. Atlanta residents should never consider taking on the task of trapping or removing this kind of wildlife on their own. Highly territorial and notoriously fast, these small pests can actually become a danger to someone inexperienced in trapping. Being bit by a squirrel is a serious matter. As hosts for diseases like Tularemia and Plague, squirrels are a risk to your health and the health of your family.

    Complete Squirrel Control for Atlanta Residents

    Our team of wildlife professionals safely traps the squirrels becoming a nuisance to your home, remove them from your property, relocate them to a new environment, and then release them into the wild. As a part of our squirrel control for Atlanta and the nearby areas, we also amend your structure, which may include your attic, and other features of your property to make them less appealing habitats for certain animals and pests.


    Request Free Wildlife Inspection

    Or You can call us at 404.636.6626

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